Video intercoms are a convenient way to see and speak to visitors – from your smartphone or iPad or tablet.  They are also an excellent addition to your home security – when a would-be-intruder rings the video doorbell to see if anyone is home, you can answer from anywhere in the World, often giving the appearance you are home.

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iSmartGate 2K Video Doorbell

With the ismartgate doorbell, know and see who's at your front door anytime, anywhere. This doorbell not only comes with the highest resolution (2K), widest field of view (170º) and clearest image both day and night but it does also includes other amazing features like face & motion detection alerts, night vision, local and cloud storage, real time two-way audio and zone restriction to avoid false motion notifications. The ismartgate doorbell does not rely on batteries and it is directly powered using your exiting doorbell wiring. It is also compatible with Google Home and Amazon Alexa.